Home Reviews Review: Coven of the Goddess

Review: Coven of the Goddess

by I Love Spells
Published: Last Updated on 3.4K views

Coven of the Goddess is a highly respected coven of 13 powerful witches with over 390 years of combined experience. The benefit of working with the Coven of the Goddess is that all 13 members cast your spell in concert with each other, and each witch brings her own specialty, knowledge, and powers into your spell. This makes their spells extremely powerful and fast-working.

The Coven was founded in 2002 by internationally known High-Priestess Abigail Adams. She is not only known for her mastery of witchcraft, but she is also a well-known metaphysical researcher and author. Four pillars of core principles represent her Coven. These are Growth, Balance, Responsibility, and Unity. As a Circle of women, they honor these four pillars in their practice, daily lives, and magical workings.

On their website, you can choose from many different spells: love spells, success spells, beauty and well-being spells, friendship and family spells, protection spells, and spiritual cleansing spells. These spells have been carefully designed and crafted to help with your unique situation.

All spells come in three different strength levels. The first level is the Standard Cast. With the Standard Cast Level, your spell will be cast once by the entire Coven, and it is best suited for easy cases without any obstacles. The second level is the Power Cast. With the Power Cast Level, your spell will be cast three times by the entire Coven. This is their most popular option because it offers more potency, and it is best suited for more complicated and complex cases. The strongest and fastest-working level is the Power Cast. With the Power Cast Level, your spell will be cast seven times by the entire Coven. It is their most potent and powerful option and is especially suited for challenging and complicated cases.

What we like best about the Coven of the Goddess is the fact that all 13 coven members always cast your spells and that they offer spells that fit everyone’s budget.

An added benefit is their generous Satisfaction Policy that includes free recasts and refunds, should you not see the full results you were looking for.

Review for Coven of the Goddess
Coven of the Goddess

Store Name: Coven of the Goddess

Store Description: Coven of the Goddess is an authentic spell casting service provider. Your spells will be cast by a powerful team of 13 gifted witches with 390 years of combined actual spell casting experience.

Price range: $59 – $169

Address: 2637 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405

Telephone: 424-254-9025

Visit Coven of the Goddess' Website

  • Selection of Spells and Rituals
  • Effectiveness of Spells
  • Ease of Ordering Process
  • Refund & Satisfaction Policy
  • High Quality Content
  • Mobile Friendliness


Witness a Miracle today. 13 powerful witches cast your spell together! The Coven of the Goddess produces positive results and metaphysical miracles on a daily basis. Highly recommended.


  • The entire coven of 13 witches cast your spells
  • Potent and safe white magic
  • 390 years of combined experience
  • Large selection of spells and rituals
  • Easy order process
  • Comprehensive Satisfaction Policy


  • No phone consultations
  • No emotional support and emotional guidance
Comments Rating 5 (3 reviews)

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Elizabeth April 7, 2022 - 12:46 pm

The spells were the best investment I have ever made


I am so glad that I stumbled upon the covenofthegoddess.com website because they sound 100% authentic, I was confident that they could help me, and they certainly did.

Michael and I dated for a little over two years. We’ve gotten into arguments over little things during the last few months, and I blamed him for the times I’ve gotten unhappy with him. I got jealous for the wrong reasons, and I expected way too much from him. I looked at the things that he hasn’t done for me rather than the things that he has done.

He broke up with me on January 6th, and I realized all the mistakes that I’ve made in the last few months.

A few days after the break-up, my best friend, Anna, revealed to both him and me that she’s had an on and off crush on him since he and I began dating. And since then, they’ve been hanging out and going on dates behind my back, despite all the times I’ve cried to Anna and had asked her not to do this to me. She told me she could not stand to see me hurt and cry as much as I did, yet she had not done anything to help me. Michael replacing me with my best friend and my best friend doing little to support me was like a knife twisting in my heart.

I’ve spoken to Michael about the entire situation, and it only led to more arguments and frustration, to the point where he and I couldn’t even talk to each other anymore. And it seriously killed me because I was still head over heels in love with him despite the things that were said during our fights.

That’s when I searched for spell casters and found the Coven of the Goddess.

The best investment I have ever made in my entire life! I paid for three spells. A return lost lover spell, a breakup spell, and a forgiveness spell.

Two months after the spell castings, Michael broke up with Anna and made huge efforts to reconcile with me. He apologized and asked me for another chance. The way he went about it melted my heart and soul, and yes, I took him back! We are now engaged and planning our wedding, due to take place in September.

M. May 13, 2022 - 4:05 am

Coven of the Goddess are the BEST


I broke up with my ex Sam for cheating on me, and he married the other girl. He has a female co-worker that I know that tells me that he’s suffering with her, regrets getting married, and now he and I have been having an affair on the side for the past year and a half.

But his birthday was yesterday, and according to the co-worker, he and his wife were going to dinner and a movie!

In fact, two days before his birthday, he wanted to come over, and I told him No. His co-worker happens to be a friend of his wife, and she said to me that Rhonda stole my man. She had cast four spells on him. Sam once told his co-worker that he was miserable with Rhonda, and he does not know why he was with her, but he just couldn’t leave her. He told her that he felt like he was being held against his will.

I must admit that I was working with four spell casters, and unfortunately, their work was not manifesting in the order that it should.

While doing more research online, I found covenofthegoddess.com. I was fascinated by the vast amount of authentic information they provided. I did not think twice, and I placed my order the same day I found them.
I purchased a return lost lover spell and a break-up spell.

To make a long story short, seven weeks after Coven of the Goddess cast my two spells, Sam broke up with Rhonda, filed for divorce, and moved in with me. We have been the happiest ever since.

A Hindu Girl June 2, 2022 - 9:18 pm

The Coven of Goddess made my wish happen


I am an Indian Hindu married lady with a ten-year-old child, settled with family in UAE. I was happy in my life until I fell in love with my office colleague, a bachelor Indian Muslim guy. We both were so much in love with each other that we even had a physical relationship.

Our relationship continued for almost two years. He asked me to get a divorce from my husband, and he said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. I divorced my husband and found an apartment so that my colleague and I could live together as we planned. Then all of a sudden, my college was transferred to another city for work, and then his parents got him engaged to a girl in India. My new love, the man I thought would marry me after I divorced my husband, disappeared and stopped returning my phone calls and E-mails and left me hanging.
I was devastated, and I decided to do something about it.

After months of online searching for authentic spell casters, I finally found Coven of the Goddess.

I purchased three spells, a return lost lover spell, the break-up spell, and the spell to increase his love. Nine weeks after both my spells were cast, I received an e-mail from my lover and colleague. He apologized and begged me to forgive him. He told me that he couldn’t sleep or eat, and all he thought about was me. Furthermore, he broke up with the girl that his family got him engaged to and convinced his family to give him blessings so that he could marry me. We are now officially husband and wife in eternal love until death do us apart.


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