Home SpellsLove SpellsBreak-up Spells Moon Magic Break-Up Spell

Moon Magic Break-Up Spell

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Last Updated on 40.3K views

Use the ancient, powerful energies of the moon to break up a couple when you feel that they do not truly belong together or when their relationship has run its natural course. Moon magic is perhaps the oldest magic known to humankind. You, too, can harness the potent lunar energies to achieve desired ends for yourself and those you love. The potency of lunar energies is especially helpful in all kinds of break-up spells.

A spell to sunder a relationship is probably best performed beneath a dark or waning moon, as this is the appropriate moon cycle for magical workings that involve banishing or undoing. However, this does not imply or suggest that moon magic is in any way harmful or mean-spirited. Sometimes it is necessary to banish or remove negative forces from our own lives or the lives of those we care about to allow for new, positive growth.

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Things You’ll need for the Moon Magic Break-up Spell

  • One Black Candle
  • Columbine Oil
  • Three hairs from a black cat
  • One piece of parchment paper
  • A small bowl with 13 tablespoons of water
  • Three tablespoons of Epsom salt
  • Cauldron or a fire-proof container or bowl
  • The names of the couple that you wish to break up
  • Best time for the spell: Dark moon or waning moon phase

How to Cast the Moon Magic Break-Up Spell

Cleanse and Consecrate the Candle. Click here for instructions. For this ritual, anoint the candle with Columbine Oil from bottom to top.

Lay the piece of parchment paper in front of you and write the couple’s names that you want to break up onto it. Then mix the Epsom salt into the water until it is dissolved.

Light the black candle and do so consciously. Remember that fire is one of the elements and has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

Take the black candle into your right hand and hold it up. Open your mind and spirit for the spell. While holding up the candle, communicate your wishes to the moon and the universe. Build up as much energy as possible. As you already know from our other spells, this step is significant, so please take your time. Drip 13 drops of wax on the parchment paper and continue to focus on your wishes while doing so.

Dip your fingers into the water and Epsom salt mixture and sprinkle the drops onto the parchment paper.

While you do this, say:

With the power of the moon

Your break-up will happen very soon

Repeat seven times and sprinkle water onto the paper each time.

Then put the cat hairs on the parchment paper. This step is crucial as the cat hairs will cause the couple to fight like cats and instill terrible luck into the relationship. Please do not skip the cat hairs.

Once you have communicated your wishes and goals, thank the moon and the universe and blow off the candle.

Burn the parchment paper along with the cat hairs. Bury the ashes in a dark and shady spot.

Light the remaining candle on the next full moon until it has burned out. This will seal the Moon Magic Break-up Spell and increase its power.

If you are new to spell casting, you may also want to refer to our Love Spells Guide, which contains valuable information about casting successful love spells.

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Holly January 23, 2022 - 8:51 pm

How do you bless and concecrate the candle for this spell?

I Love Spells January 25, 2022 - 11:57 pm

You will find all the details to bless and consecrate a candle here: https://www.ilovespells.com/candle-magic/


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