Home Spell Casting Moon Magic – Harness Lunar Energies for your Rituals in 2025

Moon Magic – Harness Lunar Energies for your Rituals in 2025

by Estrid Peterson

Everything has energy in it and around it. When doing spells and moon magic, it helps to understand that everything in the universe can affect your magic in some way, enhancing the power of a spell and ensuring that the effects are positive. The power of the moon and its lunar energy can dramatically affect the outcome of a spell. Just as the moon controls the tides, the moon’s position can also move a spell to the proper outcome.

There are many different ways to incorporate lunar energy into your spell work. You can schedule your spells according to the eight Phases of the Moon, take advantage of special lunar events, such as a Blue Moon, Supermoon, Lunar Eclipses, as well as the Moons of the Year, and the Astrological Signs.

The Phases of the Moon

One of the most important factors that confer influence on a spell is the moon phase. Casting a spell in an ideal moon phase can help it to succeed. This logic is as simple and logical as even according to the Farmer’s Almanac, seeds are sowed during the full moon for the best potency and results. Therefore, do not underestimate the power and pull of the moon. If the moon can determine the movements of the oceans and seas, then its influence on spells is clearly justified.

There are eight essential phases of the moon, and each phase has its significance and importance and will influence your magic differently. Each phase lasts 3.5 days, and it is during this time suitable spells should be cast.

Keep in mind that the Moon is waxing and increasing in size from the New Moon to the Full Moon. Energy is building and gaining strength, and therefore this is the time when you want to focus on increasing things. On the other hand, from the Full Moon to the New Moon, the Moon is waning and decreasing in size. This is the time to release, finish things up, and then prepare to let go in anticipation of beginning new.


New Moon Magic

New Moon MagicThis is the first phase, and you can recognize it when the tiniest sliver of light appears in the sky.

The New Moon promotes new beginnings, new projects, new ideas, and new relationships. Use this time to make positive changes, visualize your intent, start a new business, or begin a new relationship. It is also a good time for divination, opening and vision work, setting intentions, and releasing fear.

  • Symbol: 🌑
  • What it looks like in the sky: It looks like the right side of the letter D or the right side of a parenthesis).
  • Time: From exact New Moon until 3.5 days after
  • Purpose: Beginnings, birth, a clean slate, creativity, emergence, potential, initiative, dreams.
  • Position: The Moon is 0-45 degrees directly ahead of the sun.
  • Magical Workings: Beauty, Creative ventures, Gardening, Health, Job and Career, Love, Networking, Romance, and Self-Improvement.
  • Next Dates (EST): 2025: January 29, February 27, March 29, April 27, May 26, June 25, July 24, August 23, September 21, October 21, November 20, December 19.

Note: The New or Dark Moon is often subject to disagreements among many practitioners. Some use both terms interchangeably and don’t differentiate. At any rate, in our practice, the New Moon starts with the tiniest sliver of light visible in the sky, and the Dark Moon is the period when the moon is not visible at all, usually 21-26 hours before the New Moon.


The Waxing Moon Phase

When you want something to happen in your life, you might want to visualize this desire as a seed trying to grow into a fully mature plant. The seed starts small but then slowly grows into something bigger and more meaningful in the world. As the moon grows from being a New Moon to a Full Moon, this is a time when spells can have the most power. As the moon begins to grow larger and larger in the sky, the spell’s energy grows too. You might want to do rituals at this time for growing things in your life – success, power, recognition, love, and money. While your intention may be for growth, having the moon’s growth alongside this intention will allow the energy to be as focused and action-oriented as possible.

The success rate of these spells will rise to a great extent during this moon phase.

The Waxing phase starts with the Waxing Crescent (45-90 degrees ahead of the sun) and moves into the First Quarter (90-135 degrees from the sun). From there, the illuminated part grows into the Waxing Gibbous (135-180 degrees from the sun). The Waxing Moon Phase can, therefore, be divided into the following three phases:


Waxing Crescent Moon Magic

This is the time to put effort, courage, and faith into your dreams and goals. If you want something, you have to go for it. The Waxing Crescent Moon Phase is all about expansion, overcoming challenges, and, most importantly, moving forward. It is an excellent time to cast spells for self-improvement, new beginnings, business ventures, love, change, emotions, and strength. Use this time to make plans, lay a foundation for the future, and start something.

  • Symbol: 🌒
  • What it looks like in the sky: Like a Sliver
  • Time: 3.5 to 7 days after the new moon.
  • Purpose: Expansion, activity, effort, moving forward, challenges, change, courage, faith.
  • Position: 45-90 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Emotions, change, strength, love, business, animals.


First Quarter Moon Magic

The First Quarter Moon is all about your commitment and breaking through any barriers and challenges. This is the time to commit, to separate yourself from the past, and for action. If any obstacles or doubts are present, this is the time to remove them. During this time, spells for friendship, luck, motivation, and courage are beneficial. It is also a time of instinct and intuition, a good time for decisions, and the doorway to other places.

  • Symbol: 🌓
  • What it looks like in the sky: Like a Half Moon
  • Time: 7 to 10.5 days after the new moon.
  • Purpose: Action, separation from past, breakthrough, confidence, commitment.
  • Position: 90-135 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Luck, friendship, courage, intuition, motivation, elemental magic.


Waxing Gibbous Moon Magic

This is the time to stay on course and for development. If you have slipped and need to re-start, this is the best time to do so. The Waxing Gibbous is the last phase before the full moon. It has immense powers and potency to attract something into your life, whether love, luck, courage, abundance, or harmony.

  • Symbol: 🌔
  • What it looks like in the sky: 50.1% to 99.9% illuminated
  • Time: 10.5 to 14 days after the new moon.
  • Purpose: Development, overcoming, perfecting, evaluation.
  • Position: 135-180 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Peace, Love, patience, wealth, courage, harmony.


Full Moon Magic

Full Moon MagicAlmost all types of spells are positively influenced by the full moon, especially those indulging exclusively with magical powers and energies.

Use this time to cast spells for love, beauty, money, fertility, dreams, and family. The lunar energies will also help you in creative work, strengthening your psychic abilities, meditation, intuition, and emotions.

The Full Moon phase is considered to be the perfect time for casting love spells. They have the maximum effect and the best chance of working when cast during this time. This fact can be attributed to the full visibility of the moon; its effects on a person’s emotions are not a revelation and have been known since astrology came into being.

  • Symbol: 🌕
  • What it looks like in the sky: 100% illuminated
  • Time: 14 to 17.5 days after the new moon.
  • Purpose: Completion, fulfillment, culmination, harvest, vision, illumination, results.
  • Position: 180-225 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Love, Romance, Beauty, Change, Dreams, Family, Money, Protection, Health, Psychic Power, Artistic endeavors, Motivation, and Self-Improvement.
  • Next Dates (EST): 2025: January 13, February 12, March 14, April 12, May 12, June 11, July 10, August 9, September 7, October 6, November 5, December 4.


The Waning Moon Phase

The waning moon phase is considered ideal for casting spells that evade or keep destructive influences like evil spirits at bay. The waning moon phase is often considered almost similar in terms of the characteristics and properties of the dark moon.

At the same time, there may be moments when you want your life to have less in it – fewer bad habits, less bad luck, less weight, etc. In these times, you want to encourage the energy to decrease. As the moon retreats from being Full to be a New Moon, the energy decreases, and it causes the engery to slow down as well. This time of the waning moon works well for banishing things from your life and encouraging bad habits to go away. For example, if you wanted to quit smoking or lose weight, starting at the Full Moon and working a spell until the New Moon would encourage the energy of the bad habit or situation to dissipate.

The Waning phase starts with the Waning Gibbous (225-270 degrees ahead of the sun) and moves into the Third Quarter (225-315 degrees from the sun). The Waning Moon Phase can, therefore, be divided into the following phases:


Disseminating or Waning Gibbous Moon Magic

This is not the time to start something new; it is the time to go easy on yourself, review your life, regroup your forces, and correct mistakes. It’s an excellent time to remove obstacles, settle disputes, and make changes. Cast spells to break addictions and bad habits, protect, heal, divorce, and banish unwanted situations, people, influences, and energies.

  • Symbol: 🌖
  • What it looks like in the sky: 3/4 full
  • Time: 17.5 to 21 days after the new moon (or 3.5 to 7 days after the full moon)
  • Purpose: Initial Destruction, teaching, maturity, reaping, demonstration.
  • Position: 225-270 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Protection, Divorce, Addiction, Emotions, Stress, inner attunement, and Decisions.


Last Quarter Moon Magic

This is the time to make way for the new. It is also the time of endings and banishing. Use this phase to remove yourself from anything negative, negative situations, habits, influences, relationships, and people. Cast spells for protection, health, addiction, and banishing.

  • Symbol: 🌗
  • What it looks like in the sky: Half full
  • Time: 21 to 24.5 after the new moon.
  • Purpose: Absolute Destruction, re-orientation, harvest, assimilation.
  • Position: 270-315 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Protection, Addiction, Health, Endings, Stress, Banishing, and Ancestors.


Balsamic Moon and Dark Moon Magic

The Dark Moon phase is considered ideal for casting spells involved with evading or getting rid of unpleasant or harmful things and influences. Cast spells for justice, removal of obstacles, change, and enemies.

  • Symbol: 🌘
  • What it looks like in the sky: Slim crescent to not visible at all
  • Time: 24.5 to 28 after the new moon.
  • Purpose: Death, release, rest, destiny, transition.
  • Position: 315-360 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Separation, Divorce, Addiction, Justice, Enemies, Obstacles, Change, Removal, preventing theft, and getting rid of stalkers.
Additional Information to the Dark Moon

The Dark Moon is the period when no direct sunlight is being reflected from the moon and when the moon is not visible. This time period is 21 to 26 hours before the New Moon, still within the Balsamic Phase.


Special Lunar Events

The Blue and Black Moons, Eclipses, and other lunar events (i.e., meteor showers) can also help to intensify spell work. If you notice that a lunar event is coming soon, you may want to consider any spells you’ve been thinking to try to time them with the maximum energy of the moon’s position. Every movement and phase of the moon is a determining factor of a spell’s ability and capacity to work.


Blue Moon Magic

Blue Moon MagicA Blue Moon occurs when there is a second full moon within the same month and also when there is a fourth full moon within the same season. The latter only transpires every couple of years, making it an extremely rare yet powerful event.

A Blue Moon is the most potent time to harness lunar energy. Use this time to cast spells to create miracles for problems or situations that require rapid success.

  • Purpose: The second Full Moon within the same month and the fourth Full Moon within the same season.
  • Position: 180-225 degrees ahead of the sun
  • Magical workings: Anything that requires potency is challenging to solve and requires rapid success.

Next Blue Moon Occurrences

Third Full Moon of Season
  • May 20, 2027
  • August 24, 2029
  • May 22, 2032
Second Full Moon in a Month
  • May 31, 2026
  • May 20, 2027
  • August 24, 2029


Black Moon Magic

Black Moon MagicA Black Moon occurs when there is a second New Moon within the same month and also when there is a fourth New Moon within the same season. Since repetition increases the power of anything, the Black Moon has immense powers. It can even reveal deeply hidden truths and unearth mysteries with ease. During this time, cast spells for truth, soul-searching, new beginnings, the future, and divination.

  • Time: The second New Moon within the same month and the second New Moon within the same Season.
  • Position: The Moon is 0-45 degrees directly ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Truth, inner journey work, soul-searching, future plans, new beginnings, divination.

Next Black Moon Occurrences

Third New Moon of Season
  • August 23, 2025 (EST)
Second New Moon in a Month
  • August 31, 2027 (EST)


Supermoon Magic

When a New or Full moon closely occurs with perigee. Perigee happens when the Moon reaches its closest point to Earth during the monthly orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. To harness Supermoon energy, the moon’s position within a zodiac sign can impact the type of energy available to use in your magic. The same applies to Supermoon Esbats.

  • Purpose: Increased Energy
  • Position: 0-45 degrees or 180-225 degrees ahead of the sun.
  • Magical workings: Cast spells that require extra strength.
  • Next Supermoon (EST): 2025 Super Full Moon: October 7, November 5, December 4. 2025 Super New Moon: March 29, April 27, May 27.


Lunar Eclipses

Lunar Eclipse MagicLunar eclipses are incredibly magical events and should not be missed. During a Lunar Eclipse, the energies of the Moon and Sun connect and therefore create a balance of the male and female polarities. On average, a Lunar Eclipse takes place nearly once a year.

The light-dark-light concept can be compared to the birth-death-rebirth cycles, making a Lunar Eclipse an extraordinary event for magical workings. Lunar Eclipse Energy is exceptionally potent, balanced, and a combination of two opposite energies and is capable of bringing real miracles to fruition.

This is the perfect time to cast spells for complex and hard-to-solve problems as well as long-term goals.

  • Magical workings: Relationships, Money, Business Ventures, Love, Romance, Health, Protection, Psychic Development, and Self-Improvement.
  • Next Lunar Eclipses: 
    • March 13-14, 2025: Visible in Europe, much of Asia, much of Australia, much of Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Antarctica.
    • September 7-8, 2025: Visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, western North America, eastern South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctica


Esbats – The Moons of the Year

Every month usually has one full moon, but one month each year will have two full moons within the same month. Such a second full moon is what we call the Blue Moon. Each full moon has its very own characteristics and offers spiritual energy that you can incorporate into your magical workings. Plan your spells and rituals around the Esbat Lunar Cycle to harness that unique lunar energy and make your magic work more effectively.


Wolf Moon Magic

Use this time for cleansing and renewal rituals. It is the time to start over, break old habits, get rid of the old, and welcome the new—the perfect time to set goals and cast spells for prosperity, wealth, protection, and strength.

  • Month: January
  • Other Names: Also known as the Cold, Snow, Winter, Frost, Ice, and Quiet Moon.
  • Magical workings: Family, relationships, new beginnings, conceiving, reversing spells, discovery, organization, protection, strength, breaking old habits, love, and romance.
  • Next Dates (EST): January 13, 2025


Ice Moon Magic

This time is associated with the brutal cold of this month, which caused hardship to those practicing the Old Religion. The soul and belly are yearnings for spring to come; therefore, use this time for healing and purification. The perfect time to cast spells for fertility, growth, encourage healing, and magic that attract financial wealth and prosperity.

  • Month: February
  • Other Names: Wild, Hunger, Storm, Death, Snow, Ice, and Starving Moon.
  • Magical workings: Fertility, growth, healing, forgiveness, wealth, purification, responsibility, and prosperity.
  • Next Dates (EST): February 12, 2025


Storm Moon Magic

The time after the bitter cold months brings awakening, renewal, and change. Focus on your imagination, ideas, and creativity, and welcome personal growth. Cast spells for prosperity, change, and purification.

  • Month: March
  • Other Names: Wind, Chaste, Worm, Seed, and Death Moon
  • Magical workings: Personal growth, change, creativity, clarity, imagination, ideas, honesty, prosperity, purification, exploration, balance, and truth.
  • Next Dates (EST): March 14, 2025


Growing Moon Magic

Not only is it the time for sowing seeds in the earth, but it is also the time for action and for opening yourself to new opportunities, goals, and change. Work magic for love, balance, cleansing, growth, and strength.

  • Month: April
  • Other Names: Seed, Water, Egg, Grass, Pink, and Awakening Moon
  • Magical workings: Love, creativity, cleansing, balance, growth, strength, change, opportunities, productivity, confidence.
  • Next Dates (EST): April 12, 2025


Hare Moon Magic

This time encourages love, romance, sexuality, fertility, and pleasure. Cast love spells to rekindle love, bring back a lover, or strengthen your relationship. Work magic for faeries, psychic development, intuition, and enhance your connection with supernatural beings and protectors.

  • Month: May
  • Other Names: Bright, Grass, Milk, Merry, and the Flower Moon
  • Magical workings: Love, romance, joy, pleasure, fertility, healing, creativity, intuition, psychic work, faerie magic, and spirit connections.
  • Next Dates (EST): May 12, 2025


Mead Moon Magic

This is the month of the Gemini and is ideally suited for romantic engagements and marriages. If you are single, this is the best time to attract love into your life. Focus on relationships of any kind, such as family, love, friendships, business, neighbors, etc. Work magic to enhance communication, harmony, protection, decision-making, personal issues, and inner power.

  • Month: June
  • Other Names: Honey, Planting, Horse, Strawberry, Dyad, Flower, Merry, and Lovers Moon.
  • Magical workings: Relationships, love, family, friendships, harmony, protection, communication, decision-making, personal issues.
  • Next Dates (EST): June 11, 2025


Hay Moon Magic

This time represents the time of maturity and fulfillment. Use the heated lunar energy reflected from the Summer sun in spells for protection, prosperity, success, strength, and plans. It is also a good time for dream work, divination, and spiritual growth.

  • Month: July
  • Other Names: Hay, Wort, Raspberry, Blessing, and Rose Moon
  • Magical workings: Success, dreams, protection, healing, preparation, divination, prosperity, strength, goals, plans, spiritual growth.
  • Next Dates (EST): July 10, 2025


Corn Moon Magic

The harvest time is a time of abundance, gratitude, and gathering together all that holds meaning to you. Work magic for marriage, friendships, health, and goals. Use this time to celebrate blessings, give thanks, and show gratitude.

  • Month: August
  • Other Names: Red, Barley, Dispute, Harvest, and Gathering Moon.
  • Magical workings: Gathering, friendships, marriage, harvesting, gratitude, health, vitality, appreciating, abundance, goals.
  • Next Dates (EST): August 9, 2025


Harvest Moon Magic

This is another month of abundance and reaping the rewards for your work. Give thanks for seeing your dreams come to fruition, goals achieved, wishes fulfilled, projects accomplished, and wisdom gained. Work magic for balance and to get rid of physical, emotional, and spiritual clutter.

  • Month: September
  • Other Names: Singing, Spiderweb, Sturgeon, and Wine Moon
  • Magical workings: Balance, physical cleansing, spiritual cleansing, finding peace, completion.
  • Next Dates (EST): September 7, 2025


Blood Moon Magic

This is the time of balance, renewal, inner harmony, and inner cleansing. Let go of what is holding you back or stands in your way and clear the path for the new. It is also an excellent time to honor the dead, make spirit contact, and divination.

  • Month: October
  • Other Names: Harvest, Hunter’s, Leaf-falling, and Shedding Moon.
  • Magical workings: Balance, renewal, divination, death and rebirth, karma, reincarnation, harmony, letting go of things that stand in your way, justice, spirit contact.
  • Next Dates (EST): October 6, 2025.


Snow Moon Magic

This time acknowledges the passing of the abundance of the past season. Connect spiritually with the divine and with the ones who mean most to you. Look beyond the earthly world and work magic for transformation, strength, and your inner self.

  • Month: November
  • Other Names: Dark, Tree, Fog, Beaver, and Mourning Moon
  • Magical workings: Divination, guidance, wisdom, prophecies, future, transformation, preparation, spirituality, communicating with the divine.
  • Next Dates (EST): November 5, 2025


Cold Moon Magic

The nights are longer than the days at this time; that’s why you should use this period to release fears, break bonds, and overcome personal issues and obstacles. The moon now has dominion over the spirit world, and it is the best time to work on magic concerning rebirth, death, darkness, and spiritual paths. Focus on family, friendships, and relationships.

  • Month: December
  • Other Names: Dark, Long Night, Oak, and Wolf Moon
  • Magical workings: Banishing, balance, death, rebirth, release fears, break old bonds, silence, meditation, personal issues, family, friendships, and relationships.
  • Next Dates (EST): December 4, 2025


The Moon and the Astrological Signs

As the moon moves through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, you can harness the different energies of each astrological sign. Schedule your spells and rituals accordingly so that you can harness the unique energy of each zodiac sign. The following list shows the energies you can expect from each of the twelve signs:

Moon in Aries

Moon in AriesUse this period for action, enthusiasm, and spontaneity. Aries lunar energy is beneficial for plans, new ventures, independence, self-reliance, and spontaneity. A good time to cast spells related to jobs, money, and developing courage and strength.

  • Symbol: ♈︎
  • Aries New Moon: Learning, new plans, new projects, gaining confidence, controlling anger and fear, sports, winning, making announcements, and taking risks. Avoid: Not performing the ritual correctly or rushing it. Be careful of your own temper.
  • Aries Full Moon: Romance, love, social situations, finding new friends, music, and honor.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 6-8,  February 2-4, March 1-3,  March 29-March 31 (🌕), April 25-27, May 22-24, June 18-20, July 15-17, August 11-13, September 7-9, October 4-6 (🌑), October 31-November 2, November 27-29, December 24-26.


Moon in Taurus

Moon in TaurusWork magic to attract love, devotion, harmony, sex, and affection. It is also an excellent time to cast spells for prosperity, financial security, practical matters, and growth. Spells done at this time take long to manifest, but results will be permanent, long-lasting, and stable.

  • Symbol: ♉︎
  • Taurus New Moon: Love, healing, harmony, peace, prosperity, long-term goals, investing, spells for people you love, and meditations for peace. Avoid: Missing out on a good opportunity. Be careful of: your stubbornness.
  • Taurus Full Moon: Investments, money, success, serenity.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 8-10, February 4-6, March 3-5, March 31-April 2,  April 27-April 29 (🌕), May 24-26, June 20-22, July 17-19, August 13-15, September 9-11, October 6-8,  November 2-4 (🌑), November 29-December 1, December 26-28.


Moon in Gemini

Moon in GeminiThis is a good time to work magic for learning, intellect, ideas, communicating, deals, and transactions. Cast spells for healing and un-hexing. Keep in mind that Gemini energy can be unpredictable and unstable.

  • Symbol: ♊︎
  • Gemini New Moon: Balance, learning, meditation, research, divination, family matters, clearing out the old and moving onto the new, and finding a new job. Avoid: Casting spells for too many issues at the same time. Be careful of: self-denial.
  • Gemini Full Moon: Magic, healing, messages, spirituality, compose spells, and rituals.
  • Next Dates (EST): 2025:  January 10-12, February 6-8, March 5-7, April 2-4, April 29-May 1, May 26-28, June 22-24, July 19-21, August 15-17, September 11-13, October 8-10,  November 4-6, December 1-3, December 28-30.


Moon in Cancer

Moon in CancerA good time to cast spells involving fertility, motherhood, pregnancy, children, the home, and even finding a home. Cancer energy is highly beneficial to explorer past life, scrying, psychic work, divination, and protection work.

  • Symbol: ♋︎
  • Cancer New Moon: Pregnancy, feminine matters, emotions, protection, peace, drawing positive energy, divination, psychic development, and dream spells. Avoid: Assuming that a spirit owes you. Be careful of: being too emotional.
  • Cancer Full Moon: Family matters, home, stability, and protection.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 12-14, February 8-10, March 7-9, April 4-6, May 1-3, May 28-30, June 24-26, July 21-23 (🌕), August 17-19, September 13-15, October 10-12,  November 6-8, December 3-5, December 30-Januar 1 (🌑).


Moon in Leo

Moon in LeoThe perfect time for spells involving career, leadership, prosperity, and fame. Work magic for vitality, the heart, confidence, kindness, strength, and entertainment. Leo energy should not be used for love spells or other spells involving emotions; it may cause adverse effects.

    • Symbol: ♌︎
    • Leo New Moon: Positive thinking, loyalty, courage, generosity, strength, fun, winning, making your talents shine, and success. Avoid: buying too many magical supplies. Be careful of: bragging about magic.
    • Leo Full Moon: Personal goals, humanitarian issues.
    • Next Dates (EST):  2025: January 14-16, February 10-12, March 9-11, April 6-8, May 3-5, May 30-June 1, June 26-28, July 23-25, August 19-21 (🌑), September 15-17, October 12-14, November 8-10, December 5-7 (🌕).


Moon in Virgo

Moon in VirgoExcellent time for spells that require meticulous detail, such as spells for healing, fitness, diet, education, and stability. Work magic for purification, solutions, and ensuring good results from a project.

  • Symbol: ♍︎
  • Virgo New Moon: Inner work, choices, problem-solving, finding mistakes, information, research, improving magical skills. Avoid: Focusing too much on the ritual details. Be careful of: being too critical.
  • Virgo Full Moon: Intuition, problem-solving, and divination.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 16-18, February 12-14, March 11-13, April 8-10, May 5-7, June 1-3, June 28-30, July 25-27, August 21-23, September 17-19 (🌕), October 14-16, November 10-12, December 7-9 (🌑).


Moon in Libra

Moon in LibraWork love magic and magic involving marriage, partnership, couples, attraction, true love, and beauty. Libra lunar energy is highly beneficial for balance, harmony, peace, fairness, justice, courtesy, friendship, and contracts.

  • Symbol: ♎︎
  • Libra New Moon: Love, romance, partnership, friendship, improve communication, the arts. Avoid: making enemies. Be careful of: Indecisiveness.
  • Libra Full Moon: Decisions, justice, social situations.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025: January 18-20, February 14-16, March 13-15, April 10-12, May 7-9, June 3-5, June 30-July 2, July 27-29, August 23-25, September 19-21, October 16-18 (🌑), November 12-14, December 9-11.


Moon in Scorpio

Moon in ScorpioA good time to explore the occult, divination, mysteries, scrying, karma, transformation, rebirth, and insight. Use Scorpio energy to increase libido, perform sex magic, and attract passionate love. It is also a good time for work involving emotions, healing of the mind, concentration, and wisdom.

  • Symbol: ♏︎
  • Scorpio New Moon: Instinct, emotions, power, transformation, clarity, karma, wisdom, death, endings, rebirth, and past life work. Avoid: secret agendas. Be careful of: your resentment.
  • Scorpio Full Moon: Transformation, resources, and energy.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 20-22, February 16-18, March 15-17, April 12-14, May 9-11, June 5-7, July 2-4, July 29-31, August 25-27, September 21-23, October 18-20, November 14-16 (🌑), December 11-13 (🌕).


Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in SagittariusUse this energy for adventure, journeys, religion, faith, understanding, hope, and optimism. It is also a good time to experiment with new techniques, work on your imagination, learning, honesty, and generosity.

  • Symbol: ♐︎
  • Sagittarius New Moon: Understanding, awareness, faith, generosity, understanding, giving hope, talents, and projects. Avoid: rushing through a ritual and skipping important details. Be careful of: running from commitment.
  • Sagittarius Full Moon: Communication, expanding knowledge.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 22-24, February 18-20, March 17-19, April 14-16, May 11-13, June 7-9, July 4-6, August 1-2, August 27-29, September 23-25, October 20-22, November 16-18, December 13-15 (🌑).


Moon in Capricorn

Moon in CapricornWork magic for stability, ambition, self-discipline, career, and life’s basic needs. It is also a good time for spiritual matters, family bonds, security, and reliability.

  • Symbol: ♑︎
  • Capricorn New Moon: Science, school, justice, authority, promotion, job promotion, saving money, responsibility, order, and also self-discipline. Avoid: Emotional rituals. Be careful of: ruthless ambition.
  • Capricorn Full Moon: Magical work, home, and school
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 24-26, February 20-22, March 19-21, April 16-18, May 13-15, June 9-11, July 6-8, August 2-4, August 29-31, September 25-27, October 22-24, November 18-20, December 15-17.


Moon in Aquarius

Moon in AquariusUse the Aquarius energy to work on your intuition, heightened perception, inventions, future, goals, collective efforts without intimacy, and friendships.

  • Symbol: ♒︎
  • Aquarius New Moon: Change, independence, new ideas, love, individuality, finding, and defining yourself. Avoid: Spell interruptions. Be careful of: Detachment.
  • Aquarius Full Moon: Loyalty, leadership, courage, self-worth, independence.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025:  January 26-28, February 22-24, March 21-23, April 18-20, May 15-17, June 11-13, July 8-10, August 4-6, September 1-2, September 27-29, October 24-26, November 20-22, December 17-19.


Moon in Pisces

Moon in PiscesPisces energy is best for divination, past-life regression, psychic work, and spirit communication. It is a good time for creativity, sensitivity, compassion, understanding, inspiration, devotion, and empathy.

  • Symbol: ♓︎
  • Gemini New Moon: Imagination, dream work, peace, compassion, divination, visualization techniques, astral projection, spell work for the dead, and also ancestors. Avoid: Self-doubt. Be careful of: Illogical reasoning.
  • Gemini Full Moon: Meditation, helping others, dream-work.
  • Next Dates (EST):  2025: January 1-2, January 28-30, February 24-26, March 23-25, April 20-22, May 17-19, June 13-15, July 10-12, August 6-8, September 3-4, September 29 – October 1, October 26-28, November 22-24, December 19-21.



  • Ahlquist, D.: Moon Magic: Your Complete Guide to Harnessing the Mystical Energy of the Moon; Adams Media
  • Conway, D.J.: Moon Magick: Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells; Llewellyn Publications
  • Morrison, D.: Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living; Llewellyn Publications
  • Simms, M. K.: Time for Magick: Planetary Hours for Meditations, Rituals & Spells
  • The Moon, Times and Phases; https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/moon/
  • Moon Phase Calendar: https://mooncalendar.astro-seek.com

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