Home Spell Casting Magical Herbs – How to Use Herbs and Plants in your Magic Spells and Rituals

Magical Herbs – How to Use Herbs and Plants in your Magic Spells and Rituals

by Estrid Peterson
Published: Last Updated on 47.1K views

You might have heard of Herbalism or the medicinal and curing properties of herbs and plants from your grandmother. But have you heard of herbs and plants with magical meaning and extraordinary magical properties?

First of all, when using herbs in magic, you can intensify the power of a spell while also increasing the energy of the intention behind the spell. If you choose to add herbs to a spell working, you will find that not only is the spell more effective, but the effects are often greater than you imagined they could be. Herbs and plants hold their own energy, and by adding their power to yours in a spell, the results can be dramatic. Herbs for protection and herbs for healing are most popular, but there are many additional ways for you to implement the energy of nature into your spell work.

The Energy of Nature

Nature is already an energy source we tap into. From the foods we eat to the products we use every day, we always look to nature to give us energy. When using plants and herbs in magic, you can tap into the innate energy stores that plants hold. Plants live and breathe, just like humans do, though many people forget this. They have their own energy to help them live, grow, and be fruitful. As a result, if plants did not have their own energy, they would die off – and humans may not exist. In this complicated relationship, we can certainly see that each plant and herb has its own power to share.

From the lavender with its calming properties to mugwort and its potential to cause visions, the energy of plants allows us to access the energy of nature and then direct it in spells. Plants are a part of their surroundings and environment as well, picking up the energy of an area and the people who take care of the plant. These energies, too, can work within the spell to help bring an intention into being.

Creating a Spell Recipe for Success

Choosing the right herbs for use in magic is essential. You want to think about the plant’s energy and how it relates to the spell working you do. Also, think about the energy you want to go into the spell and think about the outcome you want. If you want to have a peaceful resolution to a problem, you should use peaceful plants. If you want to intensify a project or a goal, you need to find herbs that can follow that energy pattern. While certain plants are recommended for certain spell workings, listening to the plant and using what calls to you is another way to ensure you’ve chosen the right plant for your unique needs.

Herbs and plants used in magic are as varied as the spells in which they are used. By thinking of the natural world as being filled with allies and with helpers, you can see how adding pieces of nature to your spell working makes sense – and it increases the power of the spells themselves.

Magical Herbs listed by Intent

Attract Spirits: Lavender.

Aura Cleansing: Thyme.

Banish Evil and Negativity: Basil, Clove.

Beauty: Lavender, Thyme.

Breaking a spell: Patchouli.

Clairvoyance: Dandelion.

Courage: Catnip, Saint John’s Wort, Thyme.

Defeating enemies: Patchouli.

Exorcism: Frankincense, Rosemary, Sandalwood.

Fertility: Hawthorne, Nutmeg.

Friendship: Clove.

Gambling Luck: Chamomile, Nutmeg.

Healing Herbs: Saint John’s Wort, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme.

Hex and Curse Removal: Dragon’s Blood, Lemon verbena, Wormwood.

Knowledge: Lily of the Valley (poisonous! Do not eat! Keep away from children and pets!).

Love: Catnip, Dragon’s Blood, Ginger, Jasmine Flower, Lavender, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rose petals,  Rosemary, Saint John’s Wort, Thyme, Yarrow.

  • Attract Love: Juniper.
  • Attract opposite sex: Orris root.
  • Bring back lost love: Patchouli.
  • Keep a Lover faithful: Rosemary.
  • Attract True Love: Rue.
  • Gaining Love: Vervain.
  • Love Binding: Yarrow.
  • Heighten Sexuality: Foxglove.
  • Marriage: Marigold.

Luck: Dragon’s Blood, Nutmeg.

Happiness: Catnip, Rose petals, Saint John’s Wort.

Marriage Proposal: Chamomile.

Money: Blackberry, Dragon’s Blood, Ginger, Jasmine Flower, Lavender, Patchouli.

Power: Ginger.

Prosperity: Nutmeg, Vervain.

Protection from Black Magic: Rue.

Protection Herbs: Basil, Bay Laurel, Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense, Juniper, Lavender, Marjoram, Mugwort, Myrrh,  Rosemary, Sage, Saint John’s Wort.

Psychic Abilities and Divination: Jasmine Flower, Juniper, Marigold, Mugwort, Orris root, Peppermint, Saint John’s Wort, Thyme, Wormwood, Yarrow.

Purification: Dandelion, Frankincense, Myrrh, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Vervain.

Repelling Black Magic: Wormwood.

Send away an unwanted lover: Lemon verbena.

Speed up results: Mint.

Spirituality: Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood.

Success: Ginger.

Willpower: Rue.

Wisdom: Rosemary, Sage.


Most Important Herbs and Plants for Spells

Herbs and Plants for SpellsHerbs and magic have gone together for many millennia. This is because herbs have sacred properties that have medicinal purposes in some cases and other purposes in other cases. The things about herbs that are important in magic include the form of the plant, its color (especially with flowers and floral herbs), the properties of the root, and the herb’s fragrance. Herbs have a specific energy that emanates from them and affects magical powers. Some herbs you might know of that have magical uses include sage, rosemary, and lavender—all-powerful herbs.

Herbs are plentiful and are potent in the use of witchcraft. Let’s look at the most common herbs and see how they work in witchcraft:

Let’s look at a few of the herbs and plants and their “magical” meanings and significance.


Aloe VeraAloe Vera

Aloe vera is an African plant that is hung inside doorways to protect the owners from evil influences and to bring good luck. It is used in witchcraft to prevent accidental fires or heat-related accidents. It is also used to promote healing and to bring about beauty.

Correspondences for Aloe Vera

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Luck, Protection

Astrology: Jupiter, Moon, Venus

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Libra, Pisces

Holiday: Lughnasadh



Anise will protect you from nightmares when put under your pillow. It is used in rituals for protection, meditation, purification, emotional balance, fertility, growth, well-being, as well as concentrating and blessing ceremonies. Anise is known to ward off the evil eye and is used by psychics and magicians to increase psychic abilities and clairvoyance.

Correspondences for Anise

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Purification, Protection, Balance, Fertility, Well-Being

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Astrology: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Deities: Hecate, Mercury, Apollo

Holiday: Walpurgis



Basil is believed to bring on wealth, love, and personal protection. A good activity to do is burn basil and then announce who you desire to bring about love with that person. It is used in the far corners of homes to protect those who live there. Businesses use basil near the cash register to bring about prosperity. Basil is considered a love herb, and love incense to bring about love or bring harmony into a relationship or marriage.

Correspondences for Basil

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Day: Tuesday

Magic: Love, Attraction, Relationships, Exorcism, Wealth, Protection, Peace

Astrology: Mars, Venus, Pluto

Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Aries

Deities: Erzulie, Vishnu, Krishna, Lakshmi

Holiday: Imbolc



Bergamot is a plant that produces aromatic flowers and fruits. Its leaves can be slipped into wallets and purses to attract prosperity. Bergamot can be used in spells for success, wealth, career, protection, control, harmony, courage, and dream work.

Correspondences for Bergamot

Element: Air

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Money, Clarity, Optimism, Breaking Hexes, Magical Powers

Direction: East

Astrology: Venus, Mercury, Moon

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Gemini



Caraway seed is used as a protective herb and to enhance memory. You can wear it as a sachet around your neck to promote good memory abilities. It can protect a child from disease when placed beneath the child’s bed. Caraway seed will also attract new love and will keep a lover with you. Bake inside some bread to promote a good love life. It is highly beneficial to use in spells to keep a lover faithful.

Correspondences for Caraway

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Faithfulness, Lust, Health, Mental Powers, Protection

Astrology: Mercury



Catnip, a powerful love herb, can be used together with rose petals in love sachets. Burn Catnip leaves for love wishes and in beauty spells. It is also a herb used in animal magic to protect pets, strengthen psychic abilities, and promote happiness, harmony, and peace.

Correspondences for Catnip

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Animal, Love, Attraction, Beauty, Happiness, Luck

Direction: West

Astrology: Venus

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Libra, Pisces

Deities: Bast, Sekhmet

Holiday: Samhain



Chamomile is well known for its healing and calming properties. Use as a sleep or mediation aid or in spells to attract money, prosperity, and love. Chamomile is a herb used in protection and purification spells and is known to break the evil eye, spells, and curses. It can also be used in magic for beauty, communication, patience, blessings, balance, and insight.

Correspondences for Chamomile

Element: Water

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Sleep, Protection, Purification, Love, Prosperity

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Throat

Day: Monday

Astrology: Sun

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Leo

Holidays: Yule, Litha



Cinnamon is believed to bring on money, justice, love, lust, desire, passion, lust, and security. It is also known to be a male aphrodisiac and a strong protector when mixed with myrrh and frankincense. Use in spells for healing, psychic abilities, divination, dreamwork, purification, balance, and harmony.

Correspondences for Cinnamon

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Attraction, Money, Security, Divination, Purification

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Days: Thursday, Sunday

Astrology: Sun

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Capricorn

Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, Angus



Clove is believed to bring on love, money, and protection. It is also known to drive away negativity, break hexes and curses, and has strong purification properties. Cloves are commonly used in exorcisms. Use Cloves in magic for attraction, truth, visions, clairvoyance, magical powers, relationships, inspiration, creativity, success, awareness, and attracting the opposite sex.

Correspondences for Clove

Elements: Fire, Earth

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Protection, Love, Money, Exorcism, Awareness

Chakra: Throat

Astrology: Sun, Jupiter

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces



Clover is believed to bring about beauty, friendship, money,  harmony, protection, healing, and love. The four-leave clover is known for increasing enchantment and luck. Use in spells for banishing, protection from hexes and curses, fidelity, acceptance, and in dream or fairy magic.

Correspondences for Clover

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Fidelity, Love, Success, Protection, Friendship, Money, Healing

Chakra: Root

Direction: East

Astrology: Mercury

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Tarot: The Empress

Deities: Gwydion, Rowen



Dill is believed to bring about love, desire, lust, money, and security. It is also known to drive away stress, hexes, curses, problems, nightmares, and spirits. Use Dill in magic for knowledge, the home,  wealth, willpower, and support. It is also commonly used in placing curses and in protection from witchcraft and magic.

Correspondences for Dill

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Lust, Love, Protection, Money

Direction: South

Day: Wednesday

Astrology: Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio



Fennel is believed to bring about purification, security, money, strength, and longevity. When gown around your house or property, it will ward off harm and evil, including witchcraft or spiritual attacks. Use Fennel in rituals for rebirth, renewal, visions, weight loss, blessings, fertility, vitality, and courage.

Correspondences for Fennel

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Purification, Security, Protection, Healing

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Astrology: Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aries, Virgo



When burned, it releases powerful properties that are known to drive away negative energies and evil spirits. Use Frankincense in purification and consecration rituals, blessings, rituals for clarity, spiritual growth, clairvoyance, visions, psychic powers, and transformation.

Correspondences for Frankincense

Elements: Fire, Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Spirituality, Protection, Purification, Psychic Powers

Deities: Ra, Helios, Baal

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Holiday: Yule

Day: Sunday

Astrology: Sun

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius



When worn, it will protect you from any harm and will draw good luck and fortune into your life. It is commonly burned to break spells, hexes, curses, and evil eyes. Use Galangal to aid psychic development or in magic for banishing, consecration, blessings, well-being, enchantment, courage, desire, lust, love, passion, and prosperity.

Correspondences for Galangal

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Lust, Love, Protection, Health, Hex-Breaking, Psychic Developement

Holiday: Litha

Astrology: Sun, Mars

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Scorpio



Garlic has long been used in powerful magical spells. Practitioners of witchcraft use garlic to increase the spell’s speed, the strength of the spell, and endurance of the spell. Garlic is well known to ward off evil beings. It can protect you from drowning if you wear it when traveling over water. You can peel the cloves of garlic and put them around the house or wear it around your neck as protection from evil and thieves.

Correspondences for Garlic

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Lust, Protection, Warding off evil, Healing, Exorcism

Deity: Hecate, Mars

Holiday: Samhain

Day: Tuesday

Astrology: Mars

Zodiac Sign: Aries



Plant Ginger to attract money and prosperity. It is used in many magical workings, especially when potency and increased power are needed. Ginger is very beneficial and potent for love spells, in returning lost lovers or finding true love. It is also used in success spells or magic for lust, romance, relationships, passion, unity, pregnancy, well-being, beauty, courage, and moon magic.

Correspondences for Ginger

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Romance, Unity, Prosperity, Success, Power

Day: Tuesday

Astrology: Mars

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius



Burn Heather outdoors to attract rain or carry with you as a protector from violent crimes. It is commonly used for protection, purification, clarity, healing, growth, spirituality, psychic powers, visions, and dream work. Use Heather in magic for love, romance, luck, passion, and self-improvement.

Correspondences for Heather

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Protection, Dream Magic, Rain-making, Visions, Luck

Deities: Isis, Venus, Arianrhod

Direction: West

Astrology: Venus

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Scorpio

Holidays: Samhain, Litha


High John The ConquererHigh John The Conquerer

Carry High John with you to bring about love and success and to keep curses, hexes, negative energies, and depression away. It is commonly used to increase the potency and strength of spells, for consecrating and blessings, as well as for justice, happiness, protection, empowerment,  avoiding problems, and prosperity. High John the Conquerer is often used in Voodoo and Black Magic rituals.

Correspondences for High John the Conquerer

Elements: Fire, Earth

Gender: Masculine

Astrology: Mars

Magic: Hex-Breaking, Potency, Success, Happiness, Love, Prosperity



Known for its aphrodisiacal and sedative properties. Used in love spells, especially when you want to attract a lover or connect with a lover on a deeper, more spiritual level. Jasmine is also used in magic for healing, harmony, spiritual powers, inspiration, dreams, visions, divination, and emotional balance.

Correspondences for Jasmine

Elements: Water, Earth

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Love, Abundance, Dreams, Divination

Deities: Vishnu, Diana, Rhiannon

Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus

Direction: West

Days: Monday, Wednesday

Astrology: Moon, Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces


Known for its potency in love spells and relationship magic. Leave around your property or house for emotional and spiritual protection. Lavender is also used as an aid in contacting spirits, spiritual beings and as protection from curses and the evil eye. Lavender is also used in magic for beauty, purification, sleep, attraction, fidelity, clarity, grounding, harmony, heartbreak, friendship, and healing.

Correspondences for Lavender

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Happiness, Peace, Protection, Purification, Sleep, Communication

Deities: Hecate, Saturn, Vesta

Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus, Crown

Direction: East

Day: Wednesday

Astrology: Moon, Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces

Holidays: Litha


Lemon BalmLemon Balm

Known for its healing properties. Carry it with you to repel illnesses or drink in tea to ease sorrows, emotional pains, and pains associated with heartbreak. Lemon Balm is also known to increase fertility, promote love, as well as focus and clarity. Use magic for healing, renewal, success, concentration, and restoring senses.

Correspondences for Lemon Balm

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Healing, Fertility, Love, Success

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Astrology: Moon, Jupiter

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Animal: Bee



Known to keep evil and negative energies away when planted on a property. Used in magic for divination, dreams, spirituality, banishing, friendship, love, beauty, protection, and luck. Lilac is also used to break hexes and curses, contacting spirits, and increasing creativity and concentration.

Correspondences for Lilac

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Protection, Exorcism, Divination, Spirituality

Holiday: Beltane

Astrology: Mercury, Venus

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Libra



Known for its many properties. Hang dried Marigold over your door to protect your home from evil, or put it under your bed to attract vivid dreams and protection. If you want to gain admiration and respect from others, add Marigold to your bathwater. In magic, it is used for protection, blessings, consecrations, inner transformation, divination, dreams, psychic powers, visions, as well as for love, relationships, and fidelity.

Correspondences for Marigold

Elements: Fire, Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Divination, Protection, Psychic Powers, Dreams, Love

Direction: South

Day: Sunday

Holidays: Mabon, Beltane

Astrology: Sun

Zodiac Signs: Leo, Cancer



Marjoram is known as a love herb and is used in love spells and can be added to food to strengthen love. When worn or spread around the house and property, it will protect from evil and harm. In magic, it is used for protection from spiritual attacks, attraction, prosperity, love, marriage, relationships, happiness, purification, and healing.

Correspondences for Marjoram

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Happiness, Protection, Health, Prosperity, Purification

Tarot: The Magician

Astrology: Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Libra



An all-purpose herb that has many properties and uses. Kiss your love beneath a mistletoe and protect, strengthen and intensify your love, or use it in aphrodisiacs. Wear, burn, or put around your property for protection, luck, and healing. In magic, it is used for love, sexuality, protection, beauty, consecration, fertility, well-being, and health.

Correspondences for Mistletoe

Element: Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Fertility, Protection, Health

Deities: Venus, Odin, Apollo, Freya, Frigga, Zeus

Direction: East

Astrology: Sun, Mercury

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Rune: Sowilo

Holidays: Litha, Yule



Moonwort is commonly used in money and prosperity spells and is known for its love attracting properties. In magic, it is used for divination, clairvoyance, psychic power, love, honesty, money, and wealth.

Correspondences for Moonwort

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Money, Love, Moon Magic, Angel Magic

Day: Monday

Deities: Artemis, Luna, Hecate, Diana, Selene

Astrology: Moon

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Tarot: High Priestess



A powerful herb with strong divinatory and magical properties. Put mugwort under your pillow or bed to promote divinatory dreams, messages, and omens. Clean your divination tools with mugwort to increase psychic abilities and powers. In magic, it is used for divination, clairvoyance, psychic power, love, honesty, money, and wealth.

Correspondences for Mugwort

Elements: Earth, Air

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Strength, Astral Projection, Divination, Psychic Powers, Dreams

Chakra: Third Eye

Holiday: Samhain

Deities: Artemis, Diana

Astrology: Venus

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius

Rune: Raidho



A powerful herb with strong purificatory properties. When burned, it will purify, protect and clear out negative energies and vibrations. Its smoke is commonly used to purify and consecrate tools, places, and spaces. Myrrh plays a big role in blessing ceremonies for talismans, charms, amulets, and other items. In magic, it is used for awareness, peace, manifestation, spiritual energy, attracting spirits, grounding, breaking hexes, and healing.

Correspondences for Myrrh

Elements: Water, Air

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Purification, Protection, Spirituality, Healing

Chakras: Root, Crown, Sacral, Throat

Holiday: Yule

Deities: Isis, Ra, Juno, Hecate, Adonis, Aphrodite, Rhea, Saturn

Day: Saturday

Astrology: Jupiter, Moon

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius



Nutmeg is known for its strong properties to increase luck, health, and money. When carried, it will increase your divinatory powers, intuition, and clairvoyance. To ensure your partner’s commitment and fidelity, cut one nutmeg into four pieces. Burn the first piece to ashes, throw the second piece into the air, bury the third piece in earth and boil the fourth piece for 10 minutes in water. Drink 3 teaspoons of the water and put this nutmeg under your pillow. Nutmeg is used in magic for breaking hexes, protection from hexes and curses, power, strength, luck, prosperity, and beauty.

Correspondences for Nutmeg

Elements: Fire, Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Money, Fidelity, Luck, Protection, Health, Divination, Intuition

Chakra: Third Eye

Day: Thursday

Astrology: Jupiter, Moon

Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces



Use Patchouli to increase prosperity and income. Sprinkle it on money or add it to your wallet to increase your wealth. Put around your house or property to protect it from spirits and negative energies and to attract luck, happiness, harmony, and peace. It is used for money, prosperity, fertility, balance, luck, lust, and purification in magic. In Voodoo, it is mainly used in break-up spells and spells for separation.

Correspondences for Patchouli

Element: Earth

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Luck, Prosperity, Lust, Protection, The Home, Money, Separation

Deity: Modron

Chakras: Third Eye, Sacral, Root

Day: Tuesday

Astrology: Saturn

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Holiday: Samhain



Roses have long been associated with love magic. Use roses or rose petals to attract and strengthen love, add rose water or rose oil to your love baths or drink tea of rosebuds for divinatory dreams. In magic, it is also used for love, happiness, harmony, peace, healing, protection, luck, dreams, emotions, attraction, fidelity, and psychic ability.

Correspondences for Rose

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Love, Fidelity, Dream Magic, Happiness, Healing, Divination, Attraction

Deity: Isis, Adonis, Eros, Hathor, Cupid, Aurora, Demeter, Venus

Chakras: Heart, Crown

Day: Friday

Stones: Desert Rose

Astrology: Venus

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius

Holidays: Rosalia, Ostara

Tarot: The Empress



Rosemary is known for its potent cleansing, purifying, and consecratory properties. Smudge your home, property, or magical space with rosemary to keep away hexes, heartbreak, nightmares, and spirits. In magic, it is used for attraction, confidence, honesty, well-being, creativity, knowledge, intelligence, the mind, memory, inspiration, and true love.

Correspondences for Rosemary

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Protection, Purification, Blessings, Sleep, Dreams, Knowledge, Love, Lust, Marriage, Healing

Chakra: Root

Astrology: Moon, Sun, Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Holiday: Yule

Rune: Jera



Add Saffron to love sachets or put it under your pillow to attract love and to increase lust, desire, and romantic feelings. In magic, it is used for healing, fertility, clairvoyance, prosperity, happiness, love, lust, relationships, marriages, stimulation, desire, passion, and sexuality.

Correspondences for Saffron

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Lust, Fertility, Prosperity, Desire, Psychic Powers

Chakra: Heart

Deities: Eros, Eos, Ashtoreth

Day: Friday

Astrology: Moon, Sun

Zodiac Signs: Leo, Scorpio

Holiday: Litha



Plant Sage in your garden to ward off evil and bad luck. Sage is known for its strong healing properties and is used in magic for money and to promote wisdom. In Magic, it is also used for protection, consecrating, blessings, purification, insight, guidance, harmony, balance, peace, power, truth, as well as promoting longevity and immortality.

Correspondences for Sage

Elements: Air, Earth

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Wisdom, Wishes, Immortality, Protection, Longevity

Chakra: Throat

Deity: Zeus

Day: Thursday

Astrology: Jupiter, Mercury

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces

Rune: Tiwaz

Tarot: The Emperor

Holidays: Samhain, Mabon, Yule



Use Sandalwood to increase success, opportunities, and luck. It is the herb of the astral realm, divination, clairvoyance, visions, spirituality, psychic ability, dream work, and grounding. In Magic, it is also used for love, aphrodisiacs, emotions, sensuality, romance, truth, and well-being.

Correspondences for Sandalwood

Elements: Water, Air

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Angel Magic, Moon Magic, Divination, Spirituality, Love,

Chakras: Third Eye, Sacral

Deity: Venus

Day: Friday

Astrology: Venus, Mercury, Moon

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces

Moon Phase: Full Moon

Holidays: Samhain, Mabon, Yule


St. John's WortSt. John’s Wort

Place St. John’s Wort under your pillow to dream of your future lover, or place it in a jar close to a window to protect your home from fire, lightning, storms, and evil spirits. In Magic, it is used to attract love, healing, security, divination, psychic protection, happiness, fertility, courage, willpower, and prosperity.

Correspondences for St. John’s Wort

Element: Fire

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Love, Divination, Protection, Happiness, Prosperity

Chakra: Third Eye

Deity: Baldur

Day: Sunday

Astrology: Sun

Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius

Holiday: Litha



Place Thyme under your pillow to eradicate nightmares and to promote restful sleep and well-being. Wear on your body to increase psychic powers, clairvoyance, and psychic protection. When burned, Thyme is known for its potent health and healing properties. In Magic, it is also used for purification, renewal, awareness, growth, strength, rebirth, courage, love, and luck.

Correspondences for Thyme

Elements: Water, Air

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Sleep, Love, Psychic Ability, Purification, Healing, Health

Chakra: Heart

Day: Friday, Saturday

Astrology: Venus

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn



Place Vervain by a window as a protector from thunderbolts, lightning, and storms. Hang dried Vervain on a wall inside your home to attract happiness, abundance, peace, protection, fertility, harmony, fidelity, and creativity. In Magic, it is also used for purification, dreams, healing, longevity, and banishing.

Correspondences for Vervain

Elements: Air, Fire, Earth

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Protection, Love, Healing, Purification, Fertility, Abundance, Money

Deities: Thor, Diana, Isis, Mars, Hermes, Juno, Venus, Jupiter, Epona, Demeter, Mercury, Aradia, Cerridwen

Moon Phase: New Moon

Direction: West

Day: Friday, Saturday

Astrology: Venus

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Capricorn, Sagittarius

Tarot: Magician

Holiday: Litha


Hang Wormwood on your car’s rearview mirror for protection from accidents. Wear or burn for increasing psychic abilities, clairvoyance, divination, visions, and protection from enchantments and bewitchments. If you want to attract a new or old lover, place Wormwood under your bed or pillow. In Magic, it is also used for conjuring spirits, banishing, transformation, courage, healing, and self-improvement.

Correspondences for Wormwood

Elements: Fire, Air

Gender: Masculine

Magic: Protection, Love, Psychic Abilities, Summoning Spirits and Deities.

Moon Phase: New Moon

Deities: Iris, Artemis, Diana

Day: Monday

Astrology: Mars

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Cancer

Tarot: The Tower



Hang dried yarrow flowers over your bed to protect your marriage and to ensure long-lasting love. When carried, it attracts love, attention, happiness, and friendship. Yarrow is instrumental in returning lost lovers and promoting fidelity and faithfulness. In Magic, it is also used to exorcise evil, banish negativity, problems, obstacles, fear, and promote courage, psychic powers, healing, fertility, and emotional strength.

Correspondences for Yarrow

Elements: Water, Air

Gender: Feminine

Magic: Protection, Exorcism, Love, Attraction, Marriage, Fidelity, Psychic Abilities

Chakra: Sacral

Deity: Cernunnos

Astrology: Venus

Zodiac Sign: Gemini


Why Magical Herbs are Used in Spells

The Powers of Herbs and PlantsTheir extraordinary powers have been put to use to brew powerful elixirs, seducing lovers and soothing the mind. Magical Herbs have been used for all imaginable purposes ranging from healing to soothing, from protection to enticing people’s palates, and also from making people fall in love to regaining lost love. Yes, herbs and magic go hand in hand, and almost every herb has a specific and significant meaning that is very important for the magic practitioner. Therefore,  using the right herb and plants for magic can help you achieve amazing effects and results through spell casting.

Above all, adding herbs to your spells increases the strength and effect of the spell manifold. You might wonder how the herbs come to possess magical and spiritual properties? All plants, flowers, herbs have an energy field of their own, and this energy of theirs adds to the energy of the spell. It is believed that herbs can transfer their energy through to us by mere physical contact.


How to Use Magical Herbs in your Spell Work

There are several ways you can use herbs in your spell work and add power to your rituals:

  1. You can include the herbs into the spell by mixing them and visualizing the effects and results because this way, the herbs pass on their energy to the spell, making it work with added strength and vigor.
  2. The best way for you to include the magical herbs is by simply rolling your oiled/anointed candles into the herb or mixture of the herbs. This is how you pass the energy of the herbs onto the candles, their flame, and thereby to the spell.
  3. Burn herbs on small charcoal blocks or disks.
  4. Place some herbs on a metal incense burner tray and then light them on fire.
  5. Burn all sturdy herbs, such as sage, cedar, and mugwort, directly. These herbs are flammable enough that you can directly light them on fire.
  6. The easiest way to use magical herbs is by setting them on fire for cleansing. Therefore, do this before, after, and even during a spell. These magical herbs help clear away negative energy to help ready a person for a spell or remove any negative energy that a spell has brought to the surface.
  7. Make actual potions and use them in your spell work.
  8. By creating oils and tinctures, incense, and herb bags, a person can continue to work on the spell for months at a time. With each new spell working, that herbal essence or product can have more energy added to it.

Keep in mind that a little goes a long way with using herbs. That’s why it is recommended to start with a small amount and then add more if needed.

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Christopher A Matalanga January 30, 2022 - 7:37 am

This Post. Very grateful.

Sarah February 15, 2022 - 8:29 am

Very useful info

Yadira February 20, 2022 - 4:26 am

Very useful information. Thank you


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