Home SpellsLove SpellsStop Relationship Problems Faithfulness Spells to Keep your Partner faithful

Faithfulness Spells to Keep your Partner faithful

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Last Updated on 68.3K views

While you might not be a jealous person, that doesn’t mean you aren’t worried about your partner cheating. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, you might be worried that you’re losing your attractiveness and that your partner will go elsewhere to find what they want. With our faithfulness spells, you will be able to ensure that your partner is going to be with you for as long as you both love each other. They will not be tempted to cheat or even to look at someone else as the magic of your love will bind you to each other and keep everyone else away.

What Faithfulness Spells can do for you

While there may be no guarantees in love, that doesn’t mean you can’t try. With a Faithfulness Spell, you will ensure that they will not look at another person for as long as you are both together. Cheating and adultery seem to be rampant today, but that doesn’t mean your relationship has to fall victim as well. By changing the energy surrounding your relationship, you can strengthen the relationship and protect it from outside forces which seek to destroy it. You can keep your partner faithful to you and only to you. All it takes is a spell that uses your will to ensure they look onto you for love and commitment.

Relationships can be challenging, but removing as many obstacles as possible helps your love grow and blossom. A Faithfulness Spell is essential if you fear these problems will emerge. Even if you don’t believe your partner would ever cheat on you, it never hurts to add a little extra insurance to your commitment.

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Are Faithfulness Spells right for you?

If you have already tried many things to stop your partner from cheating and rebuild the trust and love within your relationship, then magic spells are an option for you to solve the problem finally. You can either cast one of the following spells on your own or hire a professional spell caster to solve the problem for you. With the help of nature, the universe, and the magical forces, you can see unbelievable results after the spell has been cast and the energies have manifested.

Even if there isn’t a lack of lust, desire, affection, and sexual attraction within your relationship, love spells to keep a lover faithful will reinforce these feelings within the partner that has strayed. The spells also contain a protection mechanism to protect these feelings and keep them always with you.

What is important with Faithfulness Spells is that you trust the process and follow the instructions correctly without any possible errors or mistakes. Once the forces become active, your life will change forever.


White Magic Faithfulness Spell

White Magic Faithfulness SpellWhite magic allows us to work with the loving, helpful energies of the universe to bring about positive changes in our lives and relationships and remove the negative energies that sometimes impact our love relationships. If your partner is not genuinely committed to your relationship, this spell might not work in the way you expect.

Are white magic love spells to keep your partner faithful effective? Yes, they are. Faithfulness spells work on the emotions of the person you love. For instance, if you are sure that your partner loves you, but is for some reason involved in adultery, then you can use this spell to keep them faithful only to you. If they are not interested in you, you should explore other magical avenues and types of love spells to increase and manifest their love for you. If you are new to White Magic, please refer to this article.

Things You’ll need for Stop Cheating Spell

  • Rose Incense
  • One white candle
  • One red candle
  • Matches
  • Athame, Knife, or toothpick
  • Sheet of Paper
  • Pencil

How to Cast the White Magic Faithfulness Spell

Cast your circle and light the rose incense. Start the ritual by carving your first name into the white candle using the athame and your partner’s first name into the red candle.

⭐️ Take a match and light the white candle. You will now use the flame of the white candle to light the red candle.

Focus on the candle flames for 15 minutes and visualize your goals. Focus on your situation and how much you wish your partner to stay faithful to you and stop adultery, cheating, and unfaithfulness.

Next, draw two hearts onto the sheet of paper with a pencil. Now, take the white candle and drip wax onto the hearts while visualizing and focusing on what you are feeling for your partner and what you are willing to do to improve the relationship. Admit any mistakes you may have made and visualize what you will change to improve the relationship.

Cover all two hearts with the wax and then snuff out the white candle.

Repeat the same with the red candle. Focus on your wish for complete faithfulness and that you don’t want your partner to develop any feeling for anyone but you.

Cover both hearts with the red wax and then snuff out the candle as well.

Repeat these last steps, beginning at ⭐️ for six more days (seven total). Use the same piece of paper, but draw new hearts on it each day.

After the seventh and final ritual, let the candle burn out. For the White Magic Faithfulness Spell to be effective, you must hide the paper in a safe space where nobody can find it. Please return it to nature once you are sure that your partner is faithful to you.


Voodoo Spell to Keep your Partner Faithful

Voodoo Spell to Stop AdulteryThis Voodoo Spell to Keep your Partner Faithful instills and ignites feelings of passion and love for you throughout your relationship. It will ensure that your partner, be it the husband, wife, or lover, will remain faithful to you and have romantic feelings that no other external force can eradicate. The spell eliminates the negative energy that can drive one to adultery, making sure that your partner only holds feelings for you!

Voodoo is an ancient and powerful magical and religious path that originated in Africa and was later dispersed to Haiti, Jamaica, and New Orleans. Although, there have been many negative portrayals of Voodoo perpetuated by the media in books, films, and television programs that fail to accurately portray the truth of matters. Voodoo is, in reality, a positive, life-affirming religion.

True, some misuse Voodoo’s power to wreak havoc and cause harm to others, but this does not mean that Voodoo is itself inherently harmful or evil. Use this effective Voodoo Faithfulness Spell to keep your partner true and honest. If you focus your will and use your visualization power as you perform this faithfulness spell, you will reap the benefits that Voodoo has to offer. Perform voodoo love spells with an open heart and a belief in the power of Voodoo to improve your life, and it will prove highly effective.

Things You’ll need for the Voodoo Spell

  • Red Candle
  • Construction Paper or cardboard
  • Scissors
  • small bowl
  • larger bowl
  • Two cups of sugar
  • Two tbsp catnip
  • One tbsp basil
  • Lwa to call upon: Erzulie

How to Cast the Voodoo Spell to Keep your Partner faithful

Before you start the ritual, take the scissors and cut the cardboard or construction paper into the shape of a Voodoo Doll.

Cleanse and consecrate the red candle. Then put the sugar, the catnip, and the basil into the small bowl and mix it. Light the red candle.

Sit down and write all your wishes, desires, and goals regarding your partner’s faithfulness and fidelity on the Voodoo doll.

Call upon Erzulie, and ask for all that you wish for. Be honest and forthright. Be clear and operate only in harmony with the universe. Next, write your partner’s name on the other side of the Voodoo doll. Write it down thirteen times. You will now cross over all thirteen names with your name.

Take the voodoo doll and put it into the large bowl. Bury it in the sugar-catnip-basil mixture. Then stick the candle in the center of the bowl.

⭐️ Communicate your wishes and build up as much energy as you can. Burn the candle for 13 minutes, and continue to ask for all that you wish for.

After 13 minutes, snuff out the candle. Keep the bowl with the sugar, voodoo doll, and candle.

Repeat the last steps for the next six days for a total of seven days. Start by lighting the candle and then following the steps beginning at ⭐️.

On the last day, take the Voodoo doll and put it in a safe place. Keep it until all your wishes, goals, and desires have come true. Once your wish has been granted, make sure to thank Erzulie as well as divinity for your good fortune.

Return the voodoo doll to nature by burning it and throwing the ashes in the wind.


Easy Witchcraft Spell for Faithfulness

Witchcraft Spell to Stop CheatingIf you are worried that your partner might succumb to temptation, you can use this witchcraft spell to ensure they remain faithful to you. This spell will work by allowing your partner to realize that they want to stay faithful to you should temptation arise. Whether you are worried about some immediate attraction, just the threat of future temptations, or even if your partner has already been unfaithful, this spell can work to maintain fidelity in your relationship without manipulating your partner or harming your relationship.

Witchcraft does not operate through coercion or manipulation. Instead, it allows people to realize their true feelings, which may be hidden, denied, or repressed. So if you would like to keep your partner faithful, you can use this spell without the fear that what you are doing will interfere with their free will. Witchcraft allows you to join the power of your mind with the powers of the natural, spiritual, and elemental forces that surround us and subtly influence our lives. When you do this, you are unlocking the potential of your higher self.

Since this witchcraft ritual has grown out of Wicca, which recognizes the divinity in all of nature, there is absolutely no room in witchcraft spells for manipulation. So when you use this spell to keep your partner faithful, your higher self will align with your lover’s true intentions and feelings to bring about the best possible future for your relationship.

Things You’ll need for the Easy Witchcraft Faithfulness Spell

  • A clean Jar with a lid
  • Red candle
  • Picture of you and your partner in happy times
  • One tbs crushed Coriander Seeds
  • Two tbs Myrrh
  • Two tbs Sandalwood
  • 0.5 cup lavender buds
  • 0.5 cup rosebuds
  • Seven drops of patchouli oil
  • Seven drops vanilla oil

How to Cast the Spell

Cast this spell during the New Moon. Begin the ritual by casting your circle and lighting the red candle.

Put the picture of you and your partner into the jar and add the crushed coriander seeds.

Chant the following:

The two of us in love, with the powers from above

Love rival go away, starting from today

Next, add the myrrh, the sandalwood, the lavender buds, the rosebuds, the patchouli oil, and the rose oil.

After each ingredient has been added, repeat the chant:

The two of us in love, with the powers from above

Love rival go away, starting from today

After adding the last ingredient, close the jar and shake it thirteen times. Then put the jar next to the candle. Once the candle has burned out, hide the jar somewhere in your home where your partner can’t find it. Keep it until infidelity is no longer an issue. You can release the jar (unopened) to nature at that time.


Obeah Fidelity Spell

Obeah Fidelity SpellDo you ever fear that someone new will come along and lure your lover away from you? Or, has your lover already strayed, and you want to heal your relationship and bring back fidelity and trust? Whatever your particular circumstances, you can use this Obeah Fidelity Spell to keep your partner faithful. If your relationship is meant to be and the seeds of fidelity are present within your partner’s heart and mind, Obeah can lead you and your partner to new heights of trust and commitment. Obeah was first practiced in West and Central Africa, but it is most prominent today in the Caribbean region. First brought there in the time of the international slave trade, Caribbean Obeah has continued to flourish ever since. Click here if you want to learn more about Obeah Love Spells.

Things You’ll need for the Obeah Fidelity Spell

  • 1/2 cup dried woodruff
  • 1/2 cup edelweiss flowers
  • One cup red rose petals
  • Vanilla Oil
  • A red candle
  • Knife
  • Pouch
  • Bowl

This ancient spell has been passed down over centuries and has been proven to be one of the most effective Obeah spells you can find to stop adultery and prevent your partner from cheating.

How to Cast the Obeah Faithfulness Spell

For this easy Obeah Faithfulness spell, put all the dried ingredients into the bowl and mix them. Sprinkle some Vanilla Oil on the mixture and mix well.

With a knife, carve your initials and your partner’s initials into the candle, then light the candle.

Hold your hands about 2 feet above the flame and chant the following:

Kalimasto basito (name of your lover) Kabibuto basita, keliti babiti (your name) Bambusaka Salika Te Te

Repeat seven times.

Then drip some wax to the dried flowers, and add some more oil. Put the bowl in front of the candle and let it burn out.

Take half of the mixture and sprinkle around your home. Put the other half into the pouch and hide it under your bed.


Easy Spell for Faithfulness

Easy Faithfulness SpellAre you looking for an easy spell to keep your partner faithful? How are you supposed to find out whether your partner is cheating on you? Indeed, your partner will not come and tell you. But if you have a bad feeling about your partner’s fidelity, you sure can use some fidelity magic to keep them faithful. When you use this faithfulness spell, you will be able to change your future, making it safe from possible cheating partners and those who wish to seduce your lover. You don’t have to worry about your partner as they will only have eyes for you, now and in the future.

Things You’ll need for the Easy Faithfulness Spell

  • One Red Candle
  • Magnolia Oil
  • Three of your hairs
  • Your partner’s underwear
  • Bag or large envelope
  • Two Nutmegs
  • Red Cord
  • Pen or Marker
  • Your Name and Your Partner’s Name

How to Cast the Easy Spell for Faithfulness

Cast your circle. Then cleanse and consecrate the candle. Click here for instructions. For faithfulness and fidelity, anoint the candle with the magnolia oil. Put the candle on your altar and place the underwear in front of the candle.

Light your candle and do so consciously. Remember that fire has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

Take the pen and write your name on one nutmeg and your partner’s name on the other nutmeg. Now, take your hairs and wrap them around the nutmeg with your partner’s name on it. Drip some candle wax on it to secure the strands. This works for very long and very short hair. Next, take the cord and bind the two nutmegs together.

Wrap the nutmegs into your partner’s underwear and put them in the bag or envelope. Please keep it on your altar for at least another hour. During this time, visualize your wishes, build up energy and focus on your partner.

Once done, snuff out the candle and hide the underwear with the nutmeg under your bed or somewhere in your bedroom where your partner can’t find it.

Light the candle on the following full moon and let it burn out completely.


What you can expect from Faithfulness Spells

Once the energies of any of these Faithfulness Spells have been released into the universe, the spiritual forces will work to accomplish the following:

  • Your partner will feel the need to have you in their life
  • Permanent removal of any unwanted third parties from your lives
  • Will be sure that you are the one they want to be with
  • Increased lust, sexual attraction, and passion
  • A complete ignorance towards other women or men
  • Sustained and long-term commitment towards you
  • Reignited attraction and love for you
  • A physical attraction for only you
  • Increased trust in the relationship and better communication
  • Any feelings of lust or desire your partner may feel for someone else will be directed towards
  • Positive energy to ensure a happy and long-term relationship

How Faithfulness Spells Work

All the feelings of lust and desire that may lead your partner, lover, wife, or husband into adultery will be destroyed and eradicated, leaving only desire and love for you. Your romantic relationship together will be strengthened as you will have a safe assurance that you are the sole object of their desires. You will be free to enjoy their desire for you, knowing that they will never be drawn to anyone else in this way for as long as the two of you remain together in the relationship.

What happens if you are no longer together?

If you are no longer together in a relationship, the spell will be broken, and you will both be free to pursue others.

The love spell that will keep your partner faithful will work on anyone you are in a romantic relationship with. It will work on a husband, lover, partner, or wife. If you are in a romantic relationship, the love spell works by making sure that they will not be drawn to anyone else.

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Brookes November 21, 2021 - 3:22 pm

What do I do if I’m supposed to manifest over the candle for 13 minutes each day for 7 days total but my candle already burned all the way down? Do I cleanse and anoint another candle and put that one with the old one and keep going?

Lynne December 19, 2021 - 1:24 pm

I like them all. The hard part is choosing only one to cast


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