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Voodoo Spell to Remove Marriage Problems

by Houngan Jean-Philipe
Published: Last Updated on 10.1K views

No relationship will ever be entirely problem-free, but you can use Voodoo to help you get your own most cherished relationship as close to perfect as is humanly possible! Are you hesitant to use Voodoo because you have had years of exposure to the false images perpetuated in the popular media through books, films, and television programs that paint this ancient magical path in a diabolical light? Then it is time to shed these false beliefs and see Voodoo for what it truly is, an ancient magical and spiritual path beloved by many throughout the centuries and across continents. Voodoo originated in Africa and was later dispersed to Haiti, Jamaica, and New Orleans.

Although many Voodoo love spells and rituals make use of a long and complex list of magical ingredients, which can include but is by no means limited to items such as voodoo dolls, mojo bags, and human hair or blood, none of these magical props are absolutely necessary to perform a powerful and effective Voodoo spell. If you do not possess any of the magical items listed above, you can still perform this Voodoo spell to remove problems from your relationship without having to worry that the results will be less than stellar because of this lack. The only essential ingredients in any Voodoo spell or ritual are the power of your own will and the strength of your highly focused visualizations. If you have these, you have no real need for material magical aids.

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Things You’ll need for the Voodoo Spell

  • Red Candle
  • Bay Leaf
  • Red Thread
  • Lodestone
  • Two needles
  • Red pouch
  • Deities to call upon: Obatala
  • Best time for this spell: Sunday or Thursday

How to Cast the Voodoo Spell to Remove Marriage Problems

Cleanse and Consecrate the Candle (Click for instructions). Light the candle and put the bay leaf in front of the candle. Put the needles in opposite directions on top of the bay leaf. See diagram for exact position.

Voodoo Problem Removal Diagram

Wrap the bay leaf around the needles and tie it with the red thread.

Now, take it into your power hand and call upon Obatala. Ask for all that you wish for. Be honest and forthright. Be clear and operate only in harmony with the Universe. This step is crucial. Take your time, do this for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Once you are done, take the empowered object, place it in the pouch, then add the lodestone, and tie it closed. Please put it in front of the candle and let it burn out.

Then hide the pouch in your bedroom where nobody can find it.

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