Home SpellsLove SpellsAttraction Spells Spells to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

Spells to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Last Updated on 103.8K views

Imagine sitting across the person who makes your heart flutter every time you see them and see the love in that person’s eyes that you have always dreamt and yearned for. Or you might be deeply in love with a person and might wonder if they harbor similar feelings for you or not. Nothing can beat the happiness and joy you get when you know that the person whom you genuinely love loves you back. You can easily make this dream of yours into a reality by resorting to love spells to make someone fall in love with you.

How Spells to Make Someone Fall in Love Work

Love Spells to Make Someone Fall in Love are powerful and beautiful at the same time; after all, they help bring love and happiness into people’s lives. These powerful rituals work by enhancing the feelings of attraction and infatuation for the other person. Magic first ignites the fire, and the flame that sustains and burns is the love that flows between two people. Once the heart and soul of the target have been opened, the spiritual energies will remove any and all blockages that prevent them from falling in love with you.

The spell will make you look and feel attractive in the eyes of the other person; if they haven’t noticed you yet, they sure will after the spiritual energies have been released into the universe. After that, love and attraction sustain and endure through time by themselves. So, there is no question of what would happen to your love after the spell’s effects wear off. Magic spells to make someone fall in love with you aren’t simply about igniting mere physical attraction or short and superfluous romance. They do the work of invoking true love. Love ignited through magic is here to make for a completely fulfilling and true relationship.

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Do these Spells manipulate free will?

They have often been thought to work manipulatively by intervening in a person’s free will. People are believed to lose all control over their thoughts and emotions and become puppets at the hands of the spell caster. But, love spells don’t work that way, nor are they meant to cause any harm to anyone in any way.


Love Spells work on the Law of Attraction

Love spells to Make Someone Fall in Love with You work by harnessing the energy of your thoughts and emotions and combining these energies with the power of the natural and spiritual forces. This combined and powerful energy is what finally evolves as love. The energy that you exude as thoughts and emotions into the universe is reflected back to you in some form or the other. So, it is vital that you resolve to think only positive thoughts and visualize all things positive. When you plan to resort to a love spell, you must have conviction about emotions that you feel and should put complete faith and belief into the magic. After all, if your energy and vibrations are weak, that, in turn, weakens the whole magic.

A love spell, you can say, has a mind of its own. The proper ritual helps you get the person you desire only if they are right for you. Instead of bringing to you a specific person, a love spell of the right nature will bring the right person to you. Remember, the person you think is right for you may not be the one meant for you. The higher power within yourself and nature gauge this fact for you and help you with what is right.

There are love spells that work by bending people’s free will, but if you want to do that, then you don’t truly love that person in the first place.


Witchcraft Spell To Make Someone Love You

Witchcraft Fall in Love SpellThis spell will allow you to use witchcraft to make the object of your desire fall deeply in love with you. It will work by making the person you desire aware of their true feelings for you. It works best when the person already has a seed of love for you in their heart but also works without its presence. Witchcraft love spells are not manipulative or harmful because they work with a person’s existing feelings and only create thoughts and feelings that will benefit them by opening that person’s heart and mind for your love. The feelings they will feel are genuine and in no way artificial or forced. They feel love for you because they want to feel that love for you!

Witchcraft can lead a person to discover thoughts and feelings they were unaware of or that they had somehow repressed or ignored. You can use this spell without worrying about whether the emotions it evokes in your lover are authentic or not. When you use this witchcraft spell to make someone fall in love with you, you are tapping into your higher self to bring about the love you desire. If the person you desire does not return your affection, then this spell will not work at all. Witchcraft recognizes the divinity in all things and helps you to access your higher self. When you are in tune with your highest self, the possibilities are limitless.

Ingredients for the Witchcraft Spell to Make Someone Love You

  • Two small pieces of parchment paper
  • One larger piece of parchment paper
  • a wooden pencil
  • One pink candle
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Rose Quartz
  • Jade
  • Emerald
  • Cinnamon Incense
  • Matches (made out of wood)
  • red ribbon

How to Cast the Witchcraft Spell To Make Someone Love You

Cast Your Circle! Begin the ritual by anointing the pink candle with the Sandalwood Oil. Light the candle and the incense.

Sit down and write your name on one small piece of paper and your loved one’s name on the second small piece of paper. Using the pencil, draw a heart around each of the names. Next, take the candle into your right hand and drip wax onto the hearts. While doing so, communicate your wishes into the universe, visualize your wishes and build up as much energy as possible. You will know when to stop.

Now write down your wishes onto the large piece of parchment paper. Take your time; whatever you write down needs to feel right. Once you are done, put the two small pieces of paper and wrap them into the large piece of paper. Tie it close with the ribbon and make 3 knots. Put the Rose Quartz, the Jade, and the Emerald on top of the package you have just created to charge it with the love-attracting properties of the crystals. Let it sit on your altar until the candle burns out. Once the candle has burned out, hide the package (without the crystals) somewhere in your bedroom where nobody can find it.


Wiccan Spell to Make Them Love You

Spell to Make them Love YouThe love that you and your partner will experience from a Wiccan love spell will be genuine and will only grow over time. There is nothing artificial or unnatural about the love that this spell will produce. Indeed, your love will be imbued with the potent earth energies that Wicca has introduced into your life.     

In fairy tales, most leading ladies or princesses wait for their prince to find them and fall in love with them. Unfortunately, life is not a fairy tale. Some are lucky to end up with love just by waiting on it to come their way. But if you are one of those who are tired of singing “someday my prince will come” with dreamy eyes, then you may need the help of the universe and its natural forces to make that special someone fall in love with you.

Most everyone wants to be loved by someone special. Sometimes we know who that someone special is, but it seems they are not aware of it. This simple spell can be used to give them a little push in your direction. Caution, make sure this is really the person you want to be attached to, as it is much more challenging to break a love spell than it is to cast one.

This spell takes seven days to complete, and the best time to start is on Friday during a waxing moon.

Ingredients needed for the Wiccan Spell to Make them Love You

  • White or gold candle for a man
  • Black or silver candle for a woman
  • Green candle for attraction
  • tool for carving candles
  • Piece of green cloth
  • Best day: Friday
  • Best moon phase: Waxing Moon

How to Cast the Wiccan Spell to Make them Love You

Cast your circle and call the quarters. Use your carving tool and mark the two candles representing you and the other person. Mark the green candle into seven equal parts. Place the male candle on the right side of your altar and the female on the left side, about twelve inches apart. Place the green candle in between the other two, slightly behind them.

Focus on the person you desire—light the candle representing you first, then the other person, and finally the green candle.
Now sit quietly and visualize yourself with the person you desire. Let the candles burn down to the first mark on the green candle. Snuff out the candles in the order that you lit them.

On day two, move the candle slightly closer together. Repeat the steps above, starting with focusing on the other person. Light the candles in the same order as before. Continue repeating the above steps. By day seven, the candles should be touching. On day seven, let the candles burn themselves out. Wrap the wax in the green cloth and keep it in a safe place.


Black Magic Spell so Force Someone to Love You

Force Someone to Love YouLove can make us do irrational things at times, which is why you need to gather your thoughts and objectives before you delve into the world of magic. Infatuation or obsession isn’t the reason to cast love spells. You need to be serious about finding true love. Do not let sexual emotions interfere with the spell, either. If need be, there are different types of spells to deal with your sex life.

Black Magic Love spells are powerful when done with the right intentions, so you need to execute them sparingly. Often, all it takes is simple ingredients like candles and incense to invoke the forces of nature and release forceful energy into the universe. More important is your power to build up magical energy through meditation, visualization, focus, and concentration. Believe in your inherent abilities and the success of your love spell. This will make it potent enough to work and break through any obstacles you may currently face in your love life.

Things You’ll need for the Black Magic Spell

  • Three Black Candles
  • Cypress Oil
  • Chicken wing with bones and skin
  • Red pepper flakes
  • One sterile needle
  • Your blood
  • Black Yarn or Thread
  • Pen with red ink
  • Pen with black ink
  • Matches (made out of wood)
  • One large sheet of parchment paper

How to Cast the Black Magic Spell to Force Someone to Love You

Anoint the black candles with the cypress oil and arrange them in a triangle fashion on your altar. Light them with one single match.

Use the red pen and write your loved one’s name onto the parchment paper 13 times. Then use the black pen and write your name on top of your loved one’s name.

Drip some wax from all three candles onto the names. While doing so, focus on your wish for your lover to fall deeply in love with you. Build up as much energy as you can. Next, put the chicken wing on top of the names and add the hot pepper flakes. The hot pepper is for attraction; add the amount that suits your wishes. Now prick your left index finger with the needle and drip three drops of your blood onto it. Make sure to still focus on your wishes. Don’t let your thoughts wander. Add some more wax from the three candles.

Wrap the parchment paper around the contents and tie them with the yarn. Make at least 13 knots. Let the package sit in front of the candles for another hour, then blow the candles off and say:

Gekali Bekuta Bestima Sto Sto Beg

After the sun has set and dark outside, take the package and bury it next to a tree.


Spell-Casting Advice and Tips

If you really believe in the effect of these spells to make someone fall in love with you (really very important for the spells to be effective), then it would be wise to tread righteously. First, jot down your desire, who exactly are you loving, and why do you want them so badly. This may seem quite simple at a glance – but it actually initiates self-exploration and self-reflection to jot down a thoughtful answer. With these spells, you only need to identify the “what” or the “need” and leave the “how” to the divine power. It is also a good idea to meditate before casting a spell to make someone fall in love with you. This will help you focus be calm and comfortable in your space.


How fast do Fall in Love Spells work?

Different spells work in different ways – some may show results within almost seconds and work even in crowded places, while some may need at least a month to bear effect, and to chant these, you may need tranquility – both within and out. But if you have learned the spell and are tempted to use it the next time you see a handsome hunk or a sexy figure, resist the temptation. Remember, if you try to control with just the effect of a spell and no real and true feelings, you will suffer many times over. Also, don’t force things to happen; sometimes, letting go will be much better for your own good.


Can Love Spells go Wrong?

Is it possible that when you do what you think is a successful love spell, the spell backfires, causing the wrong person to fall in love with you or the person you want to spurn you? Not really, if the ritual is done correctly and your intentions are genuine. Even so, many who cast spells worry about things that aren’t intended to happen within the spell. Some things that could backfire in a love spell are entirely benign and hardly noticed. Other things can be disastrous. This is why you should take a love spell seriously when you do it and make sure your intentions are completely pure and not malevolent when you do a love spell. Do not substitute ingredients without researching them first. You may alter a spell unintentionally, and it will produce a different outcome.


Word of Caution

Unfortunately, bad or junk spells exist on the internet. Get your spells from a reputable source, such as our website. Don’t end up with a ritual that sends you consequences you didn’t want or need. If you are inexperienced and use a junk spell, your chances of backfiring go way up.

If you cast a love spell on someone who has another love spell cast upon them, yours may not trump the existing spell, and it may not work. This is something you can’t predict, and it shouldn’t interfere with your giving a spell a try. If you have a particularly potent love spell, your spell can actually take precedence over the previously cast love spell, and you will win the heart of your dreams.

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