Witchcraft Lust Spell

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Last Updated on 27.2K views

Lust is a natural and integral aspect of romantic love. We love with our bodies, just as we love with our hearts and minds. Use this Witchcraft Lust Spell if you want to enhance an existing partner’s lust or excite lust in someone new.   Most everyone wants to be able to attract the object of their desire. Sometimes it is not love you are looking for, but rather a night of passion. Sex is good for the body as it relieves stress and is also a good workout. This spell induces lust and will help your partner realize how much they desire you, but if your needs are different, please check out our other spells for lust and sex.

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Things You’ll need for the Witchcraft Lust Spell

  • Six red candles
  • Patchouli oil
  • Cinnamon incense
  • Red altar cloth
  • Star tarot card
  • Magician tarot card
  • Lovers tarot card
  • Best time: This spell is best performed on a Friday after the sun goes down. For spell timing, please also refer to this article.

How to Cast the Witchcraft Lust Spell

Prepare yourself. Take a scented bubble bath and put on your sexiest underwear. Be sure to do your hair and makeup as well. For this spell, you will want to look and feel good.

Cast your circle and call the quarters. If you don’t know how to do this, please read the article on How to Cast a Spell.

Spread the red cloth on your altar. 

Anoint the candles with the patchouli oil. Line them up along the back of the altar. Put the incense on the right side of the altar. Light the incense first, then all of the candles.

First, lay down the Star card. Visualize a starry night sky. Concentrate on seeing the beauty of the night. Feel the night sky crackling with electric energy.

Next, lay the Magician card next to the Star, but slightly lower. See yourself as the sorcerer or sorceress. Raise your left hand in both vision and reality, and draw power from the stars. Use this power to create an aura around you that puts off magnetic energy.

Lay the Lovers card next to the Magician, again slightly lower than the Magician card. Focus on the objects of your desire. Take your time to visualize some of your favorite sexual fantasies. Know that you are incredibly desirable, and everyone will want you.

When you are done with the visualization, repeat the following chant with as much feeling as you can:

The flames of these candles

Do reflect the flames of the stars

And so are the flames of passion

Lit within those around me!

Those who I desire,

Desire me!

Those who I find attractive

Are in turn attracted by the

Power and magnetism

That flow through my body.

I am irresistible!

So it is,

And so it shall continue to be!

Let the candles burn themselves out.

Release the quarters and close the circle.

How a Witchcraft Lust Spell works for you

Witchcraft Lust spells do not work by placing new or foreign ideas in a person’s mind. Instead, witchcraft enables people to recognize and acknowledge feelings they may have ignored, repressed, or denied. For this reason, you will not be able to use this spell on someone who is not, in some part of their heart or mind, receptive to your charms.

If you are using Wicca or witchcraft, you are not someone who wishes to coerce or manipulate others, but only to bring about the best possible future for yourself and those you care about. Wicca and white magic are dedicated to the belief that divinity surrounds us and can be found in everything and everyone. For this reason, it does not seek to harm or manipulate other people or the natural world. Please also take the time to read our In-depth Guide to Love Spells, as it contains helpful information about casting spells.

Instead, witchcraft works by allowing the practitioner to align their own thoughts with the spiritual, natural, and elemental powers that subtly shape the world we inhabit. Using witchcraft, you can tap into your highest self and follow the path to your most fulfilling future.

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Don January 12, 2022 - 7:40 am

Does this work on gay people?

I Love Spells January 14, 2022 - 5:13 pm

Yes, it does!

Hapito January 25, 2022 - 11:52 am

The lust and passion should increase, and so you might like it or feel a little uncomfortable at first about this. If, however you think that your partner has started cheating on you before you go for these spells, then love spells are recommended to get your love back, and then you can go for the sexual attraction and lust spells. This is how I did it, and in the end, it saved my marriage


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